Stem cells are natural healers that make up all tissues and organs in our body, have the ability to turn into cells they touch and have the ability to divide without any limit, and regenerate and treat our entire body. Therefore, they can be used in the treatment of autism.

The success rate of the treatment is proportional to the patient’s age, the duration of the disease and the patient’s condition and in 90% of cases, 85% success rate is achieved in slowing the progression, stopping and regressing the disease. The results of the patient are evaluated according to the positive increase in 1 year. If the results are positive, the success rate is increased by repeating the treatment.

By combining stem cell and routine therapies, the following successes can be achieved;

  • Cognitive development.
  • Development of increase in learning capacity
  • Development of being more adequate and diligent
  • Development of remembering information in a shorter time and keeping it in memory for longer
  • Environmental and adaptation development
  • Gastrointestinal (digestive system) function development
  • Immune system development

Method of Administration:

The number of cells to be administered is determined according to the age and weight of the patient. Treatment is carried out using mesenchymal stem cells (derived from the patient’s own adipose tissue or bone marrow) or fetal stem cells. The treatment of the patient is decided according to the condition of the patient. It can be performed in 3 sessions 45 days apart or in 3 consecutive days. The treatment protocol is precisely adjusted according to the patient’s condition and a different protocol may be applied for each patient.

Contact us to join the Treatment of Autism boot camp.

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  1. Can u inform the cost and how long it takes for the treatment of autism with stem cell therapy?

    1. Hello, of course we would like to give you information. For this, please fill out our contact form.

  2. Sono una mamma di un bambino di 5 anni con un disturbo dello spettro autistico. Da un anno grazie alle terapie settimanali ha fatto grandi miglioramenti, ma sono sempre alla

    1. Prima di tutto, siamo molto contenti per te dei progressi che stai vedendo. Siamo con te per continuare la tua lotta senza arrenderti.

  3. Vorrei sapere per il trattamento con cellule staminali per l’autismo

    1. Salve, naturalmente vorremmo darti delle informazioni. Per questo, compila il nostro modulo di contatto.

  4. hello. I would like more information about stem cells.. and what is the price for the transplant. thank you.,,

    1. Hi, if you can give your contact information, we will contact about Stem Cell Therapy

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